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Family Tree Magazine's Top 40 Genealogy Blogs

(This post was originally published on March 10, 2011 here.)

As I prepared to head out for my afternoon round of picking up the munchkins, I decided to jump on Facebook with the few minutes I had. I saw that a dear friend, Jenn from Climbing My Family Tree, had posted on my wall and told me the incredibly unbelievable news...that the both of us had made it onto the Family Tree Magazine's Top 40 Genealogy Blogs of 2011 under the "New Blogs" category! Needless to say not only was I extremely delighted, but I was quite stunned! I certainly didn't expect the honor with so many exceptional blogs out there.

Thank you to everyone that has been so encouraging as I begin my blogging and accreditation journeys! The latter is certainly a longer journey! A special thank you to Family Tree Magazine and the four members of the panel, Lisa Louise Cooke (Genealogy Gems) and Family Tree Magazine Podcasts, Thomas MacEntee Geneabloggers, Pat Richley-Erickson (DearMYRTLE), and Randy Seaver (Genea-Musings, The Geneaholic). You all contribute so much to the genealogy community and I admire each and every one of you!

Take some time to check out Family Tree Magazine's list of the Top 40 (link is now broken/unavailable). You can even click on one link and subscribe to all the listed blogs in your Google Reader account! There are so many excellent blogs on there and I am more honored than I could possibly express to have my name up there along side each and every one of them!

Congratulations to everyone that made the list! And thanks again for all the congratulations, inspirations, and nominations as we keep on blogging!

(I was so excited when this happened. It was totally unexpected and still brings a smile to my face.)

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