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Follow Friday - A Good Laugh from Clue Wagon

(This post was originally published on April 28, 2011 here.)

I was trying to catch up on my RSS feed (that seems to happen to me a lot!) and came across this post on Kerry Scott's blog Clue Wagon*. It really gave me a good laugh...several actually.

So if you'd like a little genealogical humor that's guaranteed to make you smile and have others around you think that you've lost your mind with all the giggling you'll be doing head on over to Kerry's post called, "Breaking News Scientists Pinpoint the Origins of Piles of Genea-Crap."

And I was beginning to think it was just me that did all that! Thanks, Kerry for helping me realize I may not be insane after all! :)

*As I transport these posts into this new site it makes me sad when the links no longer work especially on a fellow geneablogger's site. Clue Wagon is no longer in operation and the domain is up for sale.

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