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Following Friday - Born to Blog!

(This post was originally published on March 3, 2011 here.)

As I said during my last Following Friday, there are a few blogs that I need to direct my modest readers to. I began with a dear friend that introduced me to the geneablogging community and I will continue with an even older friend that just started her geneablogging!

Becky Rueblinger of Barking Up Our Family Tree and I go all the way back to the early 1990s during our time together at Millersville University of Pennsylvania. Facebook is such an awesome tool and has brought me back in touch with such wonderful friends! Genealogy was not something that we were into in college, but as it turns out we actually became obsessed with it about the same time!

Becky had been posting "Notes" on Facebook with her genealogy finds and they were so incredibly well-written and researched (not surprising since she's a brilliant woman)! She was a blogger in need of a blog! She jumped right in, got her blog up and running and got it on Genebloggers.

Even her short blogs will make you smile and show the attention to detail she has! A particular favorite was a picture of her grandma with a sign "Credit makes enemies, Let's be friends!" I would so have missed that detail in the picture!

And she has experienced some genealogical luck that I know would have the rest of us green with envy...her husband's family received a letter from an ancestor's homeland from someone they'd never met introducing himself because he's researching his family history and wanted to share information! Something most of us can only fantasize about (at least I hope I'm not the only one)!

She continually puts out awesome posts, brimming with excitement. Each time I read a post, I'm motivated to do more, as I'm sure you'll be after checking her out! Head on over and spend some time at Barking Up Our Family Tree! You will not be disappointed!

(I don't believe that Becky is currently blogging, but there's still a lot of great information and stories on her site. Hopefully she jumps back in!)

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