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Following Friday - She Makes Me So Jealous!

(This post was originally published on February 24, 2011 here. I don't believe Jenn is still blogging. She does so much amazing stuff it's just hard to keep up, but if she gets back to it this is undoubtedly where she'll be!)

I've got a few blogs that I need to do a "Following Friday" on and 2 of them have already been kind enough to do one on me. I've been distracted and should have done this much sooner. So I'll start at the very beginning...I hear it's a very good place to start...

Jennifer Woods is the goddess divine behind the blog, Climbing My Family Tree and she is the reason I've been introduced to you all. I wanted to start my way down this genealogical path and when I started my blog she told me about Geneabloggers and told me to get my butt over there and recommend my blog. What wonderful advice that was and I will forever be thankful.

Jenn is more than another geneablogger to me. We go back to 1997-ish when we were both stationed in San Antonio, TX. She was in the Air Force and I was in the Army but I was still lucky enough to work with her. San Antonio was great for the both of us. It's where she married her hubby and where I met mine. Great times, great friends! Gosh time flies as we get older. It seems like yesterday!

She makes me so jealous! Her blog is not only informative and fun to read, but so creative and beautifully laid out! When I grow up, I want to be more like her :)

I know many of my followers have also been following Jenn's blog, but if you haven't I suggest you head on over and check her out. You will not be disappointed!

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