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Military Monday - Central Texas Casualties 2004

(This post was originally published on May 1, 2011 here.)

Faces of the Departed - 2004

Roll Call

SPC Clarence Adams III

BG Charles B Allen

SPC Robert R Arsiage SPC Travis A Babbitt

SFC Henry A Bacon

SPC Ronald W Baker

1LT Christopher W Barnett

SFC Michael Battles Sr.

SPC Beau R Beaulieu

SGT Michael L Boatright

SSG Elvis Bourdon

SSG Stacey C Brandon

SPC Richard L Brown

SPC Joshua I Bunch

CPL Juan C Cabralbanuelos

SGT Pablo A Calderon

SPC Ervin Caradine Jr

SPC Adolfo C Carballo

SSG Edward W Carman

SPC Ahmed A Cason

SPC Jason K Chappell

SGT Yihiyh L Chen

CPT Todd Christmas

CWO Douglas V Clapp

SGT Russell L Collier

CWO Lawrence "Shane" Colton

PFC Kevin A Cuming

SSG Darren J Cunningham

SPC Danny B Daniels II

SPC Shawn M Davies

PFC Ervin Dervishi

SPC Chad H Drake

PVT Jeremy L Drexler

SSG Joe L Dunigan Jr

SPC Blain M Ebert

SGT Adam W Estep

CWO Mark W Evans

SSG Donald B Farmer

SGT James D Faulkner

CPT Arthur L Felder

CWO Wesley C Fortenberry

CWO David H Gardner

SPC Israel Garza

SFC Todd Gibbs

1LT James M Goins

SGT Tommy L Gray

SGT Jose Guereca Jr

SSG Huy S Hagy Jr

SPC Jeremy M Heines

SGT Jack Taft Hennessy

SFC Gregory B Hicks

SPC Stephen D Hiller

PC Melissa J Hobart

PFC Christopher E Hudson

PFC Leslie D Jackson

SPC Justin W Johnson

SPC Rodney A Jones

CPL Forest J Jostes

CW3 Patrick W Kordsmeier

PFC Bradley G Kritzer

SFC William W Labadie Jr

SPC Tracy L Laramore

SSG Rene Ledesma

SPC James E Marshell

SPC Jacob D Martir

SPC Ryan M McCauley

PFC Holly J McGeogh

SPC Michael A McGlothin

SPC Kenneth A Melton

SGT Barry K Meza

SGT Eliu A Miersandoval

SFC Troy "Leon" Miranda

PFC Anthony W Monroe

COL James Moore

PFC Michael A Mora

SGT Gerardo Moreno

SPC Jaime Moreno

SPC Craig L Nelson

SGT Joseph M Nolan

SSG Nathaniel J Nyren

SPC Charles B Oduns II

SPC Justin B Onwordi

PFC Cody J Orr

SSG Billy J Orton

SGT Pamela G Osbourne

SPC Gabriel T Palacios

CPT Eric T Paliwoda

PFC James D Parker

SSG Abraham D Pena-Medina

SSG Gregory Pennington V

CPT Dennis L Pintor

SPC Larry E Polley Jr

PFC David L Potter

SGT James W Price

LCPL Louis W Qualls

PVT Carson J Ramsey***

SGT Edmond L Randle Jr

SPC Jeremy F Regnier

SPC Jose A Rivera-Serrano

SGT Thomas C Rosenbaum

SGT Randy S Rosenberg

SPC Marco D Ross

PFC Brandon R Sapp

SPC Jeremiah W Schmunk

PFC Sean M Schneider

SPC Casey Sheehan

SGT Jonathan B Shields

PFC Harry N Shondee Jr

SGT Michael A Smith

SGT Skipper Soram

PFC William R Strange

SPC William R Sturges Jr

SGT Carl Thomas

SSG Kendall Thomas

SSG Robert C Thornton Jr

SSG Roger C Turner Jr

1SG Ernest E Utt

SPC Josiah H Vandertulip

SPC Jose A Velez

SPC Michael S Weger

SGT Raymond White

PVT Justin R Yoemans

SPC Mark Anthony Zapata

May our Soldiers come home soon.

***I was contacted by a friend/family member fo Carson J. Ramsey's and was informed the he had been promoted to Specialist (SPC) before he was Killed In Action. It is unfortunate that this was not caught prior to it being placed on the memorial and I'm sure he is not the only one with incorrect information, but I also agree with Nichole that this brave Soldier should be rememberd properly. There is a big differnce between the ranks of Private and Specialist. May we all keep these brave men and women that served our country in our hearts, minds, and may we never forget their scrifice.

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