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On the Road!

(This post was originally published on May 6, 2011 here.)

I'm very excited.

I'll be on the road this weekend on my way to Charleston, SC for the NGS conference. My first genealogy conference!

I've never been to Charlston before so it truly will be an adventure! I'm excited that I'll be seeing two friends from my college days as I drive out and will be seeing a dear friend from Army days (and fellow blogger), Jenn Woods from Climbing My Family Tree at the confernce! Lots of stuff to look forward to, but my boys are very sad to see momma go. This will really be the first time I've been away without them in years. It'll be nice to have time to myself, but there's been lots of extra hugs and kisses given to me this evening and it does make it harder to go. They asked for me to wake them up before I get into the car so I can give final hugs and kisses...not caring at al that it will be 5:00am.

Thank goodness for cell phones. I'm sure they'll start enjoying time with daddy shortly after I leave. I just hope that daddy has the stamina to play single dad for the next 9 days!

I'll be back to blogging come Sunday night or Monday morning so everyone have a beautiful weekend!

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