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Sports Center Saturday - Basketball Coach Brown

(This post was originally published on March 11, 2011 here.)

H.F. Grebey Jr High School Basketball Team 1954-55

My grandfather, Edward Brown Sr., was the Vice-Principal of H.F. Grebey Junior High School in Hazleton, Pennsylvania and also it's basketball coach. The photo above shows the Grebey basketball team from the 1954-1955 school year. I'm told by my mother that he became the Vice-Principal in 1957 when she was in 8th grade and that she believes he went from assistant coach to head coach shortly before becoming the Vice-Principal. My grandpa is the coach on the right.

The Greater Hazleton Historical Society has the various high school yearbooks back to 1910, but I haven't discovered yet who kept the yearbooks for the 2 junior high schools in Hazleton (H.F. Grebey and D.A. Harman have both been long since destroyed). I'm going to have to contact the school district and the local library to see if anyone kept them. I would like to be able to see exactly when my grandpa started coaching, began teaching, became the head coach, etc. So much to know. I would find it hard to believe that all the yearbooks have been destroyed. It would be heartbreaking!

As I sit at my mom's house scanning old pictures and porting posts from my old blog to this new one, I've come across several more basketball pictures. I'll get them up in new posts eventually even if I don't know who's in them!

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