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Sports Center Saturday - It's in the Wedding Vows

(This post was originally published on February 12, 2011 here.)

My two little boys before Super Bowl XLV

"...To love, honor, obey, and raise little Packer fans as long as you both shall live."

Our 2007 family Christmas picture

It sounds so silly, but being a Green Bay Packer fan is no part-time job. Fans live up to the term "fanatical", but in the positive meaning of the word! Packer fans are even more passionate about their team (which includes those from Wisconsin that end up elsewhere in this great world!). My husband is from Green Bay. Born and raised. So you know what that was an unspoken part of the wedding vows...

I never watched football growing up, so I became a Packer fan by marriage in 1999 and never looked back. It's easy to get caught up in the love of such a team. When I took my Packer vows they were not far off from 2 Super Bowls, a win and a loss. Losing seasons and the Brett Favre drama lay ahead, but we enjoyed the ride!

Outside Lambeau with our first born. It...was...COLD!!!

Packer fans don't abandon their team when they are losing. They support them during the best and the worst of times. They are extremely loyal...and why wouldn't they be? The Packers aren't owned by any one person. They are owned by, well...their fans. They are a non-profit organization and unique in the NFL. How could the fans not be proud of that?

Both of our sons had their hospital pictures taken in Packer gear and if we have another child that one will be too. Our oldest son was born and we flew from Hawaii to Green Bay to have him baptized in my husband's church. After the baptism we drove to Lambeau Field and put his name on the waiting list for season tickets. My second son was born, we drove from Tennessee to Pennsylvania to have him baptized in my church and then drove a few days later to Green Bay, stopped by Lambeau and put him on the list for season tickets.

Why you may ask? It can take 40 or more years to get season tickets (if you ever get them). You used to be able to bequeath your place on the waiting list to someone in your will, but no more, so you've got to get on the list ASAP! You're still permitted to pass your season tickets on in your will, but you need to get them first! Hopefully, someday our kids numbers for tickets will come up and they'll have their own. For now, we're blessed to have family members with tickets and usually get to make the pilgrimage to Lambeau once a year for a home game. We'll brave the frozen tundra anytime to watch our team play!

Needless to say Super Bowl XLV was a big deal in our house and we celebrated! Super Bowl Champions one more time and the Lombardi trophy is back in Green Bay where it belongs. Yeah, I guess you'd say I'm a full-on convert. You kind of have to be when you marry into a Packer family!

Thanks to Wendy Muha-Cayemberg for the inspiration for this post!

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