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Sunday's Obituary - Bridget Barrett nee Farley

Back on November 1, 2015 on my old blog I posted about Bridget Barrett nee Farley (aka - Mrs. Patrick Barrett) having breast cancer. I haven't ported that post over to my new site, but it will come eventually. Until that time, you can see the original post on the old site here. In that post I had lamented at not finding her obituary yet. Apparently I clipped it in 2019 and as I sit at my mom's house scanning old photos and researching I came across it again.

Hazleton Sentinel, 21SEP1906, pg 5

"Mrs. Patrick Barrett Dead

Mrs. Patrick Barrett, aged 51 years, died at her home this morning at 3:20 o'clock. A year ago Mrs. Barrett underwent an operation in the German Hospital, Philadelphia, for a cancerous growth of the breast, and it was believed to be successful. Up to four months ago she experienced no trouble, but since then it gradually grew worse until last Wednesday, when she had to be assisted to her bed. She grew worse rapidly and her death resulted this morning. She has a large circle of friends who mourn her loss.

She is survived by her husband and the following children: Edward, William, Hugh, Walter, Alice and Mrs. Thomas Brown, all of this city. Two brothers, Owen Farley, of Freeland, and James Farley, of West Virginia, also survive her.

The funeral will take place on next Monday morning from her late residence at 9 o'clock. Requiem high mass will be celebrated in St. Gabriel's church, after which burial will be made in St. Gabriel's cemetery."

There was definitely information of interest to me in there. I didn't know much about her family, but having two names for her brothers helped and I spent more time than I should have today looking for information on her siblings and I found three of them: James, Owen, and William. William died in 1891. James may very well have been in West Virginia, but he was back in the area and passed away in 1916. Owen was the last to pass on in 1939.

Most women in the early 20th century didn't get great obituaries. This one, plus her death certificate was able to open the door to another branch of my tree. I haven't gone back any father (yet), but I've got more cousins.

Hazleton Sentinel, 24SEP1906, pg 1

"Today's Funerals

The funeral of Mrs. Patrick Barrett took place this morning from her late residence on East Diamond avenue. A large concourse of friends and relatives followed the remains to St. Gabriel's church, where a requiem high mass was held, after which burial was made in St. Gabriel's cemetery."

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