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Sunday Supper - Booyah! It's a Wisconsin Thing!

(This post was originally published on November 14, 2010 here.)

Patrick Cayemberg's FAMOUS Chicken Booyah! If dad was making Booyah, everyone would be stopping by for a bowl! Booyah is a Wisconsin thing. As I'm told it's not even an ENTIRE Wisconsin thing. There are pockets of Booyah tribes all over Wisconsin. Our tribe is from Green Bay.

Now the Booyah recipe is enormous. That's not an understatement. If you try making this recipe in just a soup pot, it's never going to work. You'll have to halve the recipe or make it like a 'Sconnie does and get an enormous pot (or even an old beer keg) on the gas camper cooker and start that bad boy up! Dad used what looked like an oar to stir the doggone thing! It was awesome...and it took all day! It was a project. For dad, it was a passion.

After Dad passed this past May we all decided to celebrate his memory by making Booyah (sadly I have no pictures of Dad making the Booyah.  All of the pictures were of us making it in his memory).  We made the full recipe and served it up the day that we were supposed to have had Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary party (so many people had originally planned to be in the area for the party).  Friends and family came to offer support for our family and by the end of the afternoon there was one bowl of Booyah left!  Yes, it's THAT GOOD!

Patrick Cayemberg's Chicken Booyah

Cook 1st

2 (14 ½ oz) containers chicken broth

1-1/2 gallon water

1-1/2 lbs oxtail or beef bones

1 lb lean pork, cut up

10 lbs stewing chicken, quartered

¼ c. salt

1 tbsp pepper

Cook 2nd

2 lbs cabbage, chopped

2 lbs onions, chopped and divided

1-1/2 bunch celery, chopped and divided

1 small rutabaga, chopped

3 tbsp chicken base (Tones brand)

2 tbsp beef base (Tones brand)


4-5 lbs red potatoes, medium dice

3 lbs carrots, large chop

2 cans peas

1 can whole kernel corn

1 can cut green beans

1 tsp accent

½ tsp rosemary

2 tbsp poultry seasoning

1 (40 oz) can vegetable juice

1 (28 oz) can chopped tomatoes

¼ lb butter (1 stick or ½ cup)

1 lemon, juiced (abt 1 tbsp)

Add meat, bones, water, broth and half of the onions and celery to the booyah or soup pot.  Add salt and pepper.  Boil meat until done.  Remove meat and set aside to cool.  Debone.  (This can be done the night before).

To the booyah pot add cabbage, rutabaga and the remaining onion and celery.  Bring to a boil.  Add beef and chicken base and poultry seasoning.  Boil 45 minutes.

To the booyah pot, add potatoes and carrots.  Boil 30 minutes.

Add deboned meat, tomatoes, tomato juice, canned peas, corn, and green beans.  Bring to a boil then add accent, rosemary, lemon juice and 1 stick butter.

I know the recipe may seem a bit odd in places, but seriously...don't change a thing!

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