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The Villers Saga, Part VII

(This post was originally published on December 13, 2010 here.)

This clipping was published under the column "State News" without any subheading and was published in "The Bismarck Daily Tribune" on January 13, 1898.

"In the trial of the Villers murder case at Jamestown the evidence of Mrs. Tromer was continued, she being still ill and weak, and being forced to give her testimony from a reclining invalid chair.  She told of the disappearance of Tromer, her husband, and of the fact that after his disspearance Villers had come to her with letters that he said were written by Tromer, stating that he was east being treated for his eyesight.  Testimony was also given of the statements of Villers after the disappearance when he was asked if he knew anything of the whereabouts of Tromer, and stated that he did - that Tromer had gone west.  The most sensational testimony of the day was that given by one Alex Frazier, who testified to having a conversation with Villers, the latter stating that Tromer had run away.  Villers also stated to him that he had heard Tromer and his wife having an altercation one time, when she had asked him to kill her, Villers stated to the witness at the time that he would not be surprised if Tromer returned at any time and killed her and threw her body in an old well.  This testimony is significant from the fact that Mrs. Tromer was assaulted afterward and thrown in the well, but Villers and not Tromer was the man who did it."

MJ Villers was convicted of attempted murder of Mrs. Tromer several years prior to this murder trial, and it certainly looks like he's guilty, but what pops into my mind when I read this is that we've already established he's guilty of trying to kill her and throwing her in the well.  Is this new evidence?  Seriously?  It has to do with the other trial.  Not that it isn't dramatic and I'm sure it sold papers, but it's old news.

The trial of attempted murder just seemed to have had much more substantial evidence as opposed to circumstantial evidence.  Ah, history!

One more mini post and then the long article concluding the trial!

[These articles can be found on by clicking the images or here.]

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