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Verify Your Sources

Primary sources. Derived primary sources. Secondary sources. You should endeavor to verify the information with another source whenever possible. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but mistakes happen. When a death certificate, for example, is created the person giving the information is often grieving. Other times the person giving the information might be from the hospital and not even close to the person they are submitting information for. Think it doesn't happen? Yeah, look at the names of the informants on your death certificates. You may not recognize all of them.

I've got stories about sources being wrong. Any genealogist does. Sometimes these sources can throw off your research if you don't verify them. Case in point, Hugh Farley. Son of Owen Farley and Mary Dougherty.

PA Death Certificate - Hugh Farley 1960, Luzerne County

Everything looks right. The parents' names are correct, but the spouse is listed as S Mary McCarthy. The informant is John Farley, from Milnesville. That would be Hugh's son. Who got his mother's name wrong on the death certificate. Here's the obituary as my supporting document:

Standard Speaker - 30JUN1960, pg 24

Fourth paragraph..."His wife, Anna Brennan Farley, preceded him in death. The following children survive: John, Milnesville;..."

It happens, but you might see that and think it's infallible. It's not. Hugh and Anna Brennan were married on April 30, 1913 and those records are online.

I'll still put all those children in my family tree that are listed in the obituary...and then I'll work to verify them. I may not be able to immediately because the records might not be available, but I'll link them to this obituary as a source so I know what I was thinking when I added them.

You never know where a mistake could be lurking. So back up your tree with other sources.

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